Blog Topics:

Topic 1: Awesome Sites

Find a site that you think is cool or cutting edge and well designed. Explain what this site is about and why you find it compelling. What makes the site special and how does it differ from most sites that are out there? Are there unique or interesting features to the site? Can you tell how the site was made and/or the tools and techniques that were used to create it?

Possible Points: 15 points | Can be repeated 1x

Topic 2: Great Resources

The internet is a constantly changing and dynamic field to work in. Designers need to be able to keep up as technology and current standards change. Web designers are constantly learning and very generous with sharing their discoveries.

Find a resource to share with the class. Whether they share tutorials, information, forums, articles, advice, tips, or even links to other well-designed sites... Be sure to include the url. Explain what it is that inspired you to think this was a great resource to share.

Possible Points: 15 points | Can be repeated 1x